Monday, February 20, 2006

My Friend Flickr

Seeing as I am pathologically incapable of writing anything coherent recently, I’ve been tinkering with the blog again. I’ve scavenged some old photos taken on my mobile phone and uploaded them to my Flickr account – you can find the link under Places and Spaces in the right-hand column.

When I finally get around to buying a memory card for my camera, I can start sticking all kinds of crap there. But for now, it’s just miniscule grainy pics snapped on my phone.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

That's well brown. :D

Looking forward to more RAINMAN-esque stills of your world in the weeks and years to come.

AKA said...

Did you recognise what was in that "metropolitan" pic? That was a picture of the seat-fabric on the Metropolitan Line train I took to meet you the day we went to see THE DESCENT.

Small pleasures are the last refuge of the complex mind. That's what Bertrand Russell says, anyway. And who are we to disagree?

Anonymous said...

Blimey! I recognised the pattern (natchly) but didn't realise that was when.

Now that was one cool film. Way underrated.