Excitement runs high in my home, my head and my pants at the moment because
Lost is back!

I always approach a new season of
Lost with trepidation. What if it is rubbish? What if it no longer works? I needn't have worried. I'm as hooked as I ever was.
People who know me will attest to the fact that I will become an obsessive lunatic fanboy for the next couple of months. I might need to get the words
"Not Pennys Boat" on a t-shirt...
I {heart} Lost. But I've only seen up to part of season three, so no spoilers - pretty please. :^) The girl in the office next to me at work loves Lost, too, so she's already revealed too much, since I can't help but overhear her conversations... ha!
Don't worry - this will remain a spoiler-free zone for all things LOST. Clever reveals and secrets are all part of the magic of LOST, and I wouldn't want to contribute to spoilage.
Sweet. :^) You rock.
You should get a t-shirt printed up that says:
That would rock hard in a funky place.
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